Many are in search of who they really are. I already shared a little about myself as a natural born Psychic and Empath. Now, let’s delve into who you are. First, I am here to share insights. For some of you the insights might challenge your beliefs – or more accurately these insights could challenge your conditioning which is what you were raised to believe. Conditioning is what we were TOLD to believe and we accepted what we were told even though it may not be accurage or true.

I believe – and my experiences have confirmed this for me – that we are Spiritual Beings having a physical Human experience. Picture you – as a soul – were born on Earth in a human body. The body is the vehicle that transports us during our daily lives so that we can survive and thrive. I think of it as a “space suit” we wear over our soul. This is probably something you’ve never been told!

We are born to grow our soul. The body is our outer physical self that protects us and keeps us warm. Of course, you want to take good care of your physical body to maintain health and well being. The mind is our computer that operates our physical self.

What else is there to know? Well, we have four bodies that get joined together to look like one body.  We have our physical body which is the outer shell and more obvious to us. Then that is joined to our inner mental – emotional – and spiritual. Yes, we have four bodies! All our connected through our naval (I.e. belly button).

Why is this important to know about each of us? Because the better you know yourself the better you’re able to cope with life and produce the outcomes you desire. To help you I will start on a broader sense of who you are.

We are all electrical magnetic beings who send out energy through our energy field. We send out telepathically. Everyone is telepathic whether they realize this or not. The energy field the surrounds our physical body holds onto past energy and also sends out energy. When we hold onto thoughts – that contain feelings – we send out signals that communicate telepathically how we’re feeling. Thoughts light up electrically. Feelings have a magnetic quality that causes us to attract something back. You can think of it as chain-reaction from sending and receiving. We do it all the time!

If you’re an Empath, you can learn to control how much energy you absorb from others. I can teach you how to “notice it” then “release it”. It is NOT your job to carry it. Pay attention to what YOU are thinking and feeling because it is an important component of being YOU. We are powerful co-creators. Here is a verse that explains our capabilities well: “Your mind is a garden. Thoughts are the seeds. We can grow flowers or weeds. Positive thoughts grow positive outcomes .”  Be you and go for goals.

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